Day 0: To Mars Via Drone

Day o

There are some very interesting and very unique landscapes in Utah. One of those interesting places is the area around Hanksville, Utah. Is that a vague description of an area meant to keep locations a secret? No. It’s a literal description of a place to visit. Yes, I do mean the entire area surrounding Hanksville. It’s a photographer's playground.

The Hanksville area in June is quite warm. Don't get me wrong, July and August are much warmer, but the upper 90⁰s was warm enough for me having just come down out of the Colorado mountains.

Jason's Mitsubishi Delica L300 sits in front of the Mars Desert Research Station.

The Five-Billion-Star Hotel (IG) in front of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS)

I stopped by the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS)on my way to scope out both the morning's photography location as well as where I’d be dropping an anchor for the evening.

Jason Fazio's Mitsubishi Delica L300, aka the Five Billion Star Hotel, sits perched on a hill in the foreground with a distant Factory Butte in the background.

FBSH in front of Factory Butte

After gaining confidence in my future evening and morning plans, I turned my sights to the day's sunset. I drove out to the Factory Butte area.

The crust of the desert floor shows signs of its dryness as the cracks in the earth provide leading lines off to a distant Factory Butte on the horizon.

An Unforgiving Landscape

It’s quite an unforgiving looking area.

Looking down a straight desert dirt road off toward Factory Butte and the day's sunset sky full of oranges, pinks, and purples.

Sunset Strip, UT (I made that up)

The first leg of a road trip is often long and boring as it is mostly driving. On this particular trip, I was glad to have a bit of time to tour around prior to settling in for the evening.

A Utah hoodoo sits in the foreground with the stars shining in the night's sky in the background.

Handheld with S23+

While waiting for dinner to cook, I got the camera out and photographed the night's sky. Here (above) is a cellphone image taken handheld at night with my S23+. It’s pretty amazing how far cellphone cameras have come.

Jason Fazio

Husband | Father | Nature Lover | Outdoor Photographer


Day 1: Loneliest HWY


CO to CA: An Overview